Monday, December 9, 2013

The Little Things

I haven't posted anything on here in quite some time, and when I did I mostly used it for school purposes. I'm back at it though. I was reading one of my friends Jessica Eckerle's blog and thoroughly enjoyed it. So I thought I should get back in the game. If you haven't checked out her blog, go do it! It's called the Eck's Factor. What a name as well. I do enjoy expressing my thoughts (as those close to me know), so this might be a nice thing for me to do.

As some of you might know, yesterday was my birthday. It puts me just a year away from the illustrious 21. 21 seems to be the age for just about everything else I'm not old enough for yet, so I'm excited for that. I also realized I've been on the Earth for two decades... Goodness gracious. The main thing that I noticed on this day was how awesome the people in my life are. So many people in my life found a way to wish me a happy birthday and make it good day for myself. I had many people call me before my birthday even started and on the day, everybody I saw at school knew it was my birthday and said something or posted something on my wall or twitter. I love all the people in my life. The great people at my internship even got me cupcakes, and my roommate took me to get some Chipotle.

These are all good things, and I love the little things in life. I am surrounded by some pretty phenomenal people. That's about all I have for now; I should probably get a little more studying done for finals.

All the best,

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